Friday, May 30, 2008

Time is ticking away

So, we have had 9 college students staying with us for the last week. It has been alot of fun, work and silliness. We have thoroughly enjoyed it:) Sadly, it is almost over. They depart for the rest of their summer tour starting with camps in NE. Side note: please pray for their safety as they will log so many miles this summer and not always with enough sleep. They will need divine intervention to keep them safe all the time. Anyway, I got a chance to see them minister a few time while they were here. They have such talent. They are still finding their way blending their group and their individual talents and annointings but are on the right track. I imagine there will be some growing pains along the way. As most of us know, growing pains accompany a growth spurt. Also, if God is going to do something amazing, satan will try to derail it before it can happen. It has been nice for them to feel comfortable here and have a time of relaxing before they are worked like crazy at camps. I will continue to pray for their safety but also that God will put opportunities in their path to minister to others, not just with their music but as the people God is growing them int0.
I also want to say thanks to all that came out to see the group on Sunday night! We weren't sure what to expect on a holiday weekend. It was good to see old friends we haven't seen for a while too. Have a great weekend.!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard they were awesome. Not that I am surprised but it sure is cool to hear :) Wish I could have "heard" it for myself though. One day...